Put simply, "The Hunger Games" is a behemoth. This is one of those films that will leave a mark with its daring audacity to shake a genre down to its knees - a genre mu…
"The Muppets" is finally here in the Philippines and in short, the long wait does not disappoint at all. There are elaborate song-and-dance numbers, endless one-liners …
Disney has just released the first image of its upcoming blockbuster “The Lone Ranger” starring Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer. Native American spirit warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) r…
"The Twilight Saga" is now ending but fans of Stephenie Meyer rejoice as a new film adaptation on our of her novels is already in the works. "The Host" is set…
"The Three Stooges" were one of the biggest names and shows in comedy during the early and mid Twentieth century. So big they were that even our generation had a tastin…