Showing posts with the label Josh Brolin
"Sin City: A Dame to Kill For" comes almost a decade after "Sin City" rocked our world. For fans, the long wait is finally over but is it worth the lag time?…
"Gangster Squad" has all the flash and bangs to make it an enjoyable watch but as a gangster film worth remembering it is not. Unfortunately, the film is stifled with l…
Let's all be honest now, who really wanted another sequel to the "MiB" franchise? There's a reason why it took a decade to make the third film a reality because…
"True Grit" has been touted to be the film that will bring the American/Hollywood Western genre back from the grave. It has won and been nominated by numerous award-giv…
Michael Douglas is back in his Oscar®-winning role as Gordon Gekko whose iconic “Greed is good” mantra and daring corporate raids made him a rock star of financial titans. No lon…