After a somewhat tumultuous start, "Star Wars: Episode VII" has finally pegged a date for its release. The magical date is December 18, 2015. Given that, J.J. Abrams h…
"Don't Cry Mommy" is one heavy experience. The film's stark take on the downward spiral of the mother and daughter tale is not an easy one to take and digest. …
The main one-sheet for Peter Jackson's “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” has just been released by Warner Bros., New Line Cinema and MGM Pictures. “The Hobbit: The Desol…
Korea’s controversial drama thriller, “Don’t Cry Mommy” unleashes a mother’s fury who seeks revenge for her daughter’s tragic death. Starring Yoo Sun as the mother Yoo-lim, whos…
Dreamworks Pictures presents Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt and Cobie Mulders in “Delivery Man” a comedy about the complexities of life, seizing the day, becoming the person you are …