Come on, what can you really expect from a movie starring Paris Hilton? NOT MUCH! This is what everyone should keep in mind before seeing this movie. We all know that Paris Hilto…
This film, as we all know, is a Cannes-nominated film this year. It has been shown on the airwaves recently and have been billed as the next big one for local films. So does Serb…
Who could forget Gun Kata? The gun-based martial arts shown in Equilibrium. Well this film gave us the same sensation; the improbable become possible in a very awesome and heaven…
We were wondering why a movie released two years ago (2006) and a regular at Cinemax would actually still be shown in the movie house. It made us wonder if the really bad Holl…
We didn’t expect this movie to be perfect but we didn’t expect it to be this bad either. It was totally predictable and unsatisfying. There is really nothing new about the sto…