The topic of mortality is something that is so common and yet so taboo for human beings. We busy ourselves with work, with play and basically in living normally that we tend to forget how fragile life truly is. We could even argue that some think that they are invincible as God. But someday, we must face the truth - that this life will end for all of us. It's so sad and so amazing that even though we find ourselves in a hopeless situation, man still pushes forth every single day. Maybe that is one thing that separates us from every other living thing in this world - the ability to push beyond our limits. "127 Hours" promises to be the embodiment of the human spirit to always never give up. Read on to find out our verdict.

Aron Ralston (James Franco) is on an isolated trip to Bluejohn Canyon in Utah. Aron is so confident about his talent in trekking that he forgets to inform anyone where he is going to. All is well until he finds himself trapped in an isolated canyon when a boulder crushes his arm into the canyon face. The movie details the struggles of Aron as he tries to free himself from the boulder the next five days.

"127 Hours" is an amazing film that realistically and almost perfectly portrays the physical and mental struggles of Aron Ralston. So detailed was the film that it really felt more like a documentary than a film adaptation and at one point even gut-wrenching and cringe-worthy. The center of attraction is of course the guy playing as Aron Ralston, James Franco. Franco was unbelievable in his performance and in our opinion, was able to perfectly convey the tension and desperation that Aron felt when he got trapped. Although the film's realism is it's downside too. Some may find it becoming a bit tedious in the middle parts. Although this is the case, "127 Hours" was actually well-presented. It managed to make the film interesting even though we knew what the outcome was. "127 Hours" inspires and is a beast of its own.

Rating: 4 reels

Why you should watch it:
- a groundbreaking film in terms of realism
- James Franco is the centerpiece that pushes this film to greatness

Why you shouldn't watch it:
- has a cringe worthy scene that some may find too much to bear
- became a wee bit slow in the middle parts

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