The Continental: From the World of John Wick Series Review

The Continental: From the World of John Wick Series Review: John Wick Lite

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"The Continental: From the World of John Wick" delivers a thrilling, action-packed experience reminiscent of its cinematic counterparts. Its exceptional and epic action sequences, rarely seen on television, elevate the series to a level that exceeds expectations. However, with only three episodes, it falls short in terms of critical character development and world-building, leaving viewers yearning for more. Sitting in a creative limbo, "The Continental" occupies an unusual space, caught between the length of a feature film and a full-fledged series. Despite this, it manages to provide a satisfying, albeit unconventional, viewing experience.

Set in the 1970s, the story follows Winston Scott (Colin Woodell), who has left New York to establish himself in the United Kingdom. Unexpectedly, he is forcibly summoned back to the Big Apple by his former mentor and current Continental hotel owner, Cormac (Mel Gibson). Winston's mission: retrieve a stolen, invaluable artifact taken by his brother, Frankie (Ben Robson). Failure would incur the wrath of Cormac and every assassin within the New York branch of the Continental.

With a runtime of just three episodes (approximately 4 and a half hours), "The Continental: From the World of John Wick" feels somewhat restrained. One might speculate that the creators aimed to gauge whether the success of the "John Wick" films could be replicated in a serialized format. This ambiguity is puzzling because, on one hand, the series demonstrates unwavering commitment. The action sequences are remarkably well-funded and expertly crafted, rivaling those of big-budget films. "The Continental" successfully captures the electrifying essence of the films, offering fast-paced, frenetic, and epic action. Notably, the final episode delivers nearly an hour of uninterrupted combat and shootouts.

However, on the flip side, the series feels overly brief. It barely affords viewers the opportunity to acquaint themselves with Winston, the central character, and this deficiency extends to other characters in the series. While glimpses of essential backstories are provided, they are often conveyed hastily through brief conversations or, in Winston's case, a few minutes of black-and-white flashbacks to 1955 at the start of each episode. Ultimately, "The Continental" barely scratches the surface in terms of building a comprehensive backstory for Winston and how he ascended to the role of Continental proprietor. If you seek a comprehensive narrative package, "The Continental" may leave you wanting for more. In summary, "The Continental: From the World of John Wick" offers a tantalizing mix of exhilarating action and a fascinating world but is hampered by its brevity. While it successfully mirrors the thrill of the films, it struggles to provide the depth and character development one might expect from a more extended format.

Rating: 3 and a half reels

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